Chapter 1
Boning Knife

Tormented by his co-workers, snubbed by the cops in the front booth, Spencer finds a true friend among the fry-cook's paraphernalia.

Chapter 2
Roster Of Talent

Spencer invites a large, provocatively dressed African American woman into his lair. He has some memorabilia to show her, also a hefty potato masher.

Chapter 3
Boy, You Can Keep The Hankie

A restaurant critic visits Spencer's place of employment, trolling for bus boys to flirt with. He leaves Spencer a silken memento.

Chapter 4
Posthumous Proof

Spencer and his boning knife pay a nocturnal visit to the sister of a certain cop, Detective Furtwangler, whose attention Spencer would love to get.

Chapter 5
No Reply From The Master

Charles Manson snubs Spencer's fawning advances. The bus boy's heart is broken. He realizes that he tried to break into the big leagues too soon. Time to go back to the basics.

Chapter 6
God Babies

Spencer takes a pistol to a convenience store with the usual intentions, and learns a vital lesson about the food services industry.

Chapter 7
Undertaker Hang Around

Spencer discovers the inspirational effects of alcohol, then somehow manages to focus his eyes long enough to notice a likely playmate on the society page.

Chapter 8

Spencer tries his hand at kidnapping. He selects a red-headed musical prodigy with a luscious sheen to his dimpled flesh.

Chapter 9
Trust Me, Darling

The plot sickens.

Chapter 10
Not Das Kapital

Detective Furtwangler and his henchmen bust into Spencer's duplex, but their aim is off.

Chapter 11
Spencer Gets Wise

Realizing his intellectual inadequacy, Spencer tries to remedy the situation.

Chapter 12
Capitalist Punishment

Spencer's new business skills get him promoted to assistant manager, as he emulates America's master geniuses.

Chapter 13
Ass Mange

After he turns his restaurant's logo into a fanged icon, Spencer ratchets up the whole shebang. He has learned how a family restaurant can be an instrument of torture.

Chapter 14
The Upratcheting

With the help of a local fashion designer, Spencer exacerbates the waitress outfits, provoking Squeaky Fromme-like behavior.

Chapter 15
Will There Be Anything Else?

Trying out his multi-sensory-saturation treatment on the simple-minded bum, Spencer musters up his most terrifying serial-killer look. For a minute.

Chapter 16
Scratch 'N Sniff Back The Tears

Spencer is named Better-Biz Merchant of the Month. Detective Furtwangler shows up at the banquet and almost gets his man. But wait! Could it be the wrong guy after all?

Chapter 17
Hannibal The Cannonball

A happy ending. Spencer shares wisdom with his special-best bus boy.


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