A happy ending.
Spencer shares wisdom with his special-best bus boy.

THE NUCLEAR FAMILY cruises aimlessly in their SUV, almost comatose with boredom. Dad is dropping off at the wheel. All the other cars pass them, honking angrily at their sluggish progress.

FROM THE BACK SEAT comes a voice. "Let's go to Dag's!" All the kids begin to scream gleefully.

"WE'RE NOT RADICAL PUNKS," says Dad. "That's not the sort of people we are."

"Lemuel's has a more family-like atmosphere," says Mom.

"Let's go to Lemmy's," says the voice from the back seat.

They bare their teeth, in unison, and speed off toward the orange and turquoise sign.

THERE IS A HUGE, long queue of morbidly obese folks waiting to get in. They're in a surly mood. In fact, a riot is on the verge of breaking out. If not for the shrieks and billy-club jabs of the female cop, this whole end of town could collapse into chaos.

The nuclear family tries to get in line, but they're elbowed aside like insects.



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