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"SECOND EDITION?" he gasps. "Innocence?"

He's so upset that he snatches the book off Ruth's chest without even being sneaky about it. Her breasts jiggle under her nightie, but she doesn't wake up. Indeed, she smiles and purrs in her sleep, dreaming that her hubby is groping her.

Spencer stands over the bed, butcher knife raised in one hand, library book in the other. Over the next few hours, he reads frantically, moving his lips, frowning, and struggling over each syllable. He begins to have a one-way discussion with his intended victims, over their snores.


"IT'S LIKE THEY'RE SAYING this master genius never should of been given a widened birth, that he's a fraudulency, that he couldn't--" Spencer chokes up. "--pop a chubby!"

HE RAISES HIS VOICE on that last phrase, disturbing Ruth a bit. When she stirs in bed, he holds the knife higher, remembering his murderous plans--just until she's settled back in.

Then he promptly gets reabsorbed into the book. He dog-ears pages. He clenches the butcher knife in his teeth or holds it between his knees, in order to free up both hands for ripping out illustrations and sticking them in his pockets.

By the first hint of dawn, Spencer has had enough. Despair falls on him, because he has lost one of his gods. He tosses the book back down on Ruth's breasts. As she purrs again with pleasure, he raises the knife, very high.




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